filter - Generic lowpass / highpass filter.
in [BUFFER] [REQUIRED]: input buffer to be filtered.
cutoff [BUFFER|FLOAT] [REQUIRED]: frequency cutoff.
mode [STRING] [REQUIRED]: filter mode, ’lowpass’, ’highpass’ or ’custom’.
order [FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: Butterworth order, preferably an even, positive integer, def ’4’.
fftwinsize [FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: FFT window size, def ’2048’.
gain [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: custom frequency gain buffer.
out [BUFFER]: output, filtered buffer, same size and sampling rate as input.
Apply a FFT-based low pass or high pass filter to the input signal. If mode is set to custom , multiplies the FFT by the buffer given in gain , thus allowing to make arbitrary filters.
In lowpassandhighpass modes, the cutoff frequency can be variable and given as a buffer.