func - A generator for mathematical functions.



expr [STRING] [REQUIRED]: mathematical function in infixe notation.

- use ’$s’ for position within buffer (0.0 to 1.0)
- use ’$t’ for time (0.0 to ’duration’)
- use ’$n’ for sample number
- use ’$r’ for random number between 0 and 1
- use ’$<N>’ for param<N> duration [FLOAT] [REQUIRED]: duration of resulting signal.

sampling [FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: sampling rate of resulting signal, def 44100.

interp [STRING] [OPTIONAL]: interpolation of resulting buffer, def ’linear’.

param0 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 0 for mathematical function, ’$0’.

param1 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 1 for mathematical function, ’$1’.

param2 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 2 for mathematical function, ’$2’.

param3 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 3 for mathematical function, ’$3’.

param4 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 4 for mathematical function, ’$4’.

param5 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 5 for mathematical function, ’$5’.

param6 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 6 for mathematical function, ’$6’.

param7 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 7 for mathematical function, ’$7’.

param8 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 8 for mathematical function, ’$8’.

param9 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: param 9 for mathematical function, ’$9’.


out [BUFFER]: resulting signal.


A versatile, arbitrary mathematical function generator.

Generates a buffer of specified duration and sampling rate. For each output sample, the node evaluates expr with updated variables. Those variables are:


position within buffer from 0 to 1.


time of current sample (essentially $s multiplied by duration).


index of sample.


a random number between 0 and 1.


an interpolated value from one of the given parameters.

Ten optional parameters can be used in the infixe expression given in expr. When given as buffer, the value $param<N> is an interpolation of the buffer given in param<N> at the current sample position.