layout - A generic layout helper to mix layers together.
bpm [FLOAT] [REQUIRED]: tempo in beats per minute.
bpb [FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: number of beats per bar, def 4.
divs [FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: number of subdivision per beat, def 4.
file [STRING] [REQUIRED]: sequence layout file.
sample0 [BUFFER] [REQUIRED]: sample #0.
sample1 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #1.
sample2 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #2.
sample3 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #3.
sample4 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #4.
sample5 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #5.
sample6 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #6.
sample7 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #7.
sample8 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #8.
sample9 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #9.
sample10 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #10.
sample11 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: sample #11.
out [BUFFER]: output, full sequence.
The layout module uses an external .sndl file to represent how various samples are laid out together. Being music-oriented, the layout module is beat and division centric, there are no timecodes. Instead, for each sample, a sequence of characters determines wether the sample is active at a given beat.
Each line should begin with the sample ID followed by a colon like so: s<n>:
Then, for each beat, the following characters can be used:
- |
a silent beat. |
[ |
start of the sample. |
= |
continuation of a started sample. |
The = symbol can only come after the [ symbol or another = symbol.
All other characters including whitespaces are ignored and can be used to indent/visually structure the file.
A .sndc file importing three external samples and laying them out according to a corresponding .sndl file:
sampler { file: "bass_sample"; sampling: 44100; }
drum_sample: sampler { file: "drum_sample";
sampling: 44100; }
synth_sample: sampler { file: "synth_sample";
sampling: 44100; }
track: layout {
bpm: 120;
file: "layout.sndl";
sample0: bass_sample.out;
sample1: drum_sample.out;
sample2: synth_sample.out;
The corresponding layout.sndl file:
s0: [=== ====
[=== ==== [=== ==== [=== ====
s1: ---- ---- ---- ---- [=== ==== [=== ====
s2: ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
s0: [=== ====
[=== ==== [=== ==== [=== ====
s1: ---- ---- ---- ---- [=== ==== [=== ====
s2: [=== ==== ==== ==== [=== ==== ==== ====