mix - mixer for up to 8 input buffers.
input0 [BUFFER] [REQUIRED]: input #0.
input1 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: input #1.
input2 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: input #2.
input3 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: input #3.
input4 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: input #4.
input5 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: input #5.
input6 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: input #6.
input7 [BUFFER] [OPTIONAL]: input #7.
gain0 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #0, def 1.
gain1 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #1, def 1.
gain2 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #2, def 1.
gain3 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #3, def 1.
gain4 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #4, def 1.
gain5 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #5, def 1.
gain6 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #6, def 1.
gain7 [BUFFER|FLOAT] [OPTIONAL]: gain #7, def 1.
out [BUFFER]: output buffer. Size is equal to the size of the largest input.
Sum all inputs multiplied by their respective gain. When a gain is a buffer, it is s-interpolated ("stretched" to the size of the output). When inputs have different size, the output buffer is set to the largest size. Passed the end of an input buffer, its value is taken as 0.